Tag Archives: disability awareness campaign

End the Awkward



Currently, the cerebral palsy charity Scope is introducing a disability awareness campaign called ‘End the Awkward’, fronted by Alex Brooker. The idea is to give ‘able-bodied’ society tips on interaction with the disabled. This started me thinking about the dividing line. What kind of world is this where simple human interaction has been made awkward and difficult by the perception that there is essential difference, a vast chasm between the disabled community and the able-bodied?
There are many facets to this perceived divide; the recently disabled can allow inevitable bitterness and shock to colour their dealings with the society sector to which they feel they no longer belong. Consequently, any able-bodied people who’s only dealings have been as the receiving end of the wrath of the recently adapting may be reluctant to initiate further interaction in future.
Perhaps then, the awareness campaign should be targeted at the disabled too? After all, we are all just people. We all feel the same inside, and while everyone needs education to accept a minority group in society, the minority, no matter what group they are, should be aware of the efforts people are making towards integration. But, like all awareness and information campaigns, the trick is getting the word out to the right people. It’s often the case that the very people who need to listen just don’t, or won’t.
These days many older, (and not so much older people) are wont to complain about a lack of respect from the younger generation. Gone are the days when children were seen and not heard. It can be difficult to teach children the power of respect when they are not shown any, when they see poor examples from adults. In team sports, our players all know to listen to their coaches. The key to success is give and take in any sport, and more-so in inclusive sport, where any lack of ability or need for adaption is much more evident. Coaches need to adapt their style and, of course, the key is communication. It’s all too easy for everyone to ‘talk the talk’ in any situation, but when your name is in the frame, the key is whether you can ‘walk the walk’. For integration to work, for us to ‘End the Awkward’, we all have to walk the walk. If everyone just did what they said they would do, then ending the awkward would be so much easier. Solving the problems of society, achieving society as an harmonious whole is probably a pipe dream. Another old and clichéd saying is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, meaning that he who shouts the loudest gets the attention. It’s up to all of us to shout loud and long about ending the awkward; people are keen to band together in the face of adversity and to fight a cause.
The impending European elections have brought out like-minded individuals to group together and there are many squeaky wheels. The power of a ‘party’ is dependant on getting their message across and in order to get our message across we need to follow their example.
Our sports should unite us, we work together to make our club a success. There should be no Awkward to have to end.
Any group of people, together or individually can have a hidden agenda.

At Cumbria Wheelchair Sports Club, our agenda is not hidden. It is to be a flagship for bridging the chasm of diversity.

Shout about it, spread our message to even the people who don’t want to listen, and sometimes to the ones who believe they already know.

End the Awkward



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